STF 1774 Needs your help!

Recently (yesterday) we got noticed that the Federation is waging war against peaceful comrades of STF 1774. Apparently the Federation has been trying to gain control over the single station controlled by the Alliance in this system, close to Alioth itself. This interferes with our long term strategy and would push out of the system the Alliance presence.

We are temporally halting operations in Enki to try help our troops in there. We are calling every Alliance pilot from AEDC (or other organisations that sympathise with the cause) in the region to come here, even if temporally, to help our fellow comrades. Orders are:

  • Base in Hill Hub.
  • Complete every mission for the Pro-Alliance League we can in this system, this includes checking every station possible. Focus should be in Vizcaino City (controlled by the Federation), but missions are scarce so check everywhere. Missions are priority #1 above everything else (including combat zones!). Sabotaging STF1774 Central Ltd. missions is also a viable tactic! (Complete alternatives from USS.) 
  • We will be focusing on the High Intensity conflict zone near Vizcaino City. Please join open mode with the rest of us so we maximize our effectiveness. When you enter a conflict zone remember to pick sides in the right panel > functions > choose a side and pick the Alliance faction. You can cash out combat bonds at Alliance stations, it helps with combat rank and reputation.
  • If you feel like it, trade with our outpost, Hunt Terminal (is a far away outpost, 100k Ls away from the main star unfortunately, so not very efficient). Bring the usual goods like weapons and armour and export expensive metals to finance war efforts.

P.S: For Enki last update check the forum, steady influence progress but not civil war incoming so we can safely disengage temporally, I hope.